Online Property Selling Platform

Project Info

Managing the sale of commercial properties across multiple locations is a complex task. Our client, a commercial real estate firm, sought a solution to streamline property management, track sales activity, and enhance the buyer and seller experience.
  • Client : Real Estate
  • Category : Web & App Development
  • Date : 6 Months

Project Info

Key Features:

  • Integrated CRM & App: This integration simplifies property and inquiry management, fostering efficient task completion.
  • Interactive Dashboards: Real-time dashboards provide at-a-glance insights into inquiries (number, source), total sales, commissions earned, and team performance.


  • Manual Tracking Burden: Manually tracking inquiries and communication across numerous properties in over 20 cities proved cumbersome and time-consuming.
  • Friction in Transactions: The client aimed to improve the buying and selling experience by offering a seamless process for both parties.


MySQL | Azure | AWS S3 | Cloudflare CDN

Team Roles

4 Full Stack Software Engineers | 1 Architect | 1 PO | 1 QA


The solution featured a centralized Activity Hub, consolidating key metrics. It included commissions, inquiry details, and sales figures. The platform offered a customer-centric experience with a custom website and mobile app, streamlining sales and reducing turnaround times. The inquiry management system allowed buyers to search and schedule visits easily, enhancing property exploration. Additionally, the platform provided ROI tracking, enabling informed decision-making for real estate investments.